Search Results for: success story

CBP Vacates Expedited Removal Order + Rescinds INA 212(a)(6)(C)(i) Charge = A True Success Story

Within 5 months, the U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) in San Francisco, CA vacated its Expedited Removal Order (ERO) and rescinded its INA 212(a)(6)(C)(i) inadmissibility finding against my client, upon receiving our Motion to Reconsider the adverse decisions. The … Continue reading

Form I-212 and I-192 Approvals for U.S. Visits Following Controlled Substance Trafficking Offense and Deportation with Aggravated Felony Conviction = A True Success Story

Nine years after he was removed from the U.S., due to a serious drug offense, our client, a Canadian citizen, received a Consent to Reapply for Admission and 212(d)(3) waiver for temporary U.S. visits. He thought it was impossible for … Continue reading

I-601 Waiver + Immigrant Visa = A True Success Story

Five years after being found inadmissible under INA 212(a)(6)(C)(i), our client finally received her Immigrant Visa to join her U.S. citizen spouse in the United States. Consistent with normal processing time, USCIS took 10 months to approve her Form I-601 … Continue reading

Form I-129F Approval + K-1 Visa Grant = A True Success Story

A U.S. Consulate issued the K-1 fiancée visa to our client, after it denied her requests for an F-1 student visa renewal. The switch allowed the applicant to avoid the INA 214(b) requirement to establish nonimmigrant intent. The setbacks were … Continue reading

Removal of INA 212(a)(6)(C)(i) Bar + H-4 Visa Grant = A True Success Story

A U.S. Consulate granted the H-4 spouse visa to our client, after agreeing to remove the INA 212(a)(6)(C)(i) charge against her. This permanent bar was made 10 years earlier, when she applied for an Immigrant Visa sponsored by her prior … Continue reading