Tag Archives: The Incrementalist

Turn your hard efforts into easier steps

As you make gains, step by step, your actions and behaviors that used to take a lot of effort become more like a habit. You can choose to stay there and enjoy what you’ve accomplished or take the next step for a new challenge. You might also realize that just because something feels easy and natural to you doesn’t mean it’s merely your comfort zone. It could be your zone of genius, but you keep getting pulled out of it due to self-sabotage and external demands.

The Incrementalist: A Simple Productivity System to Create Big Results in Small Steps, is now available on both Amazon and Leanpub.

It includes 5 core principles:

Principle 1: Prioritize and define your most important projects.

Principle 2: Break down your project into a step-by-step process.

Principle 3: Make time to take the necessary action steps.

Principle 4: Find your natural rhythm and work with it.

Principle 5: Rest and recharge.

With the Incrementalist approach, you tie all these universal principles together to help you achieve the right things gradually and deliberately – instead of being in a mad rush to get all the stuff done. Use this time-tested pathway to remind yourself of what it means to be truly productive and to get back on track, irrespective of how far off course you may be.

The book shows you how to skillfully practice the principles to do the right things, in the right way, at the right time – even when you feel unmotivated or uninspired.

If you buy it, read it, and enjoy it, please recommend it others and post a 5-star customer review on Amazon! Your support goes a long way in encouraging more readers to check it out and benefit from it as well.

If you bought the earlier, in-progress version of the book on Leanpub, the latest August 2023 edition has been updated to correct typos and grammatical errors, flesh out ideas and concepts, and include new and important content in each chapter.

When buying the book, consider the pros:

On Leanpub, you get free access to updated versions, a happiness guarantee (100% refund within 60 days of purchase), and a flexible price range.

On Amazon, you get the lowest price overall and immediate availability on your Kindle or Kindle app. (NOTE: If you buy the book on Leanpub, you can add it to your Kindle or Kindle app with a download and a click. To learn more, go HERE.)

To listen to Turn your hard efforts into easier steps, click here. Subscribe to The Incrementalist podcast at Apple Podcasts or other apps.

Watch the 25-second video and the 3-minute video for more on what you will get from reading the book. Also subscribe to our YouTube channel or podcast to learn how to keep making big changes in small steps.

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Dyan Williams is a solo lawyer who practices U.S. immigration law and legal ethics at Dyan Williams Law PLLC. She is also a productivity coach who helps working parents, lawyers, small business owners and other busy people turn their ideas into action, reduce overwhelm, and focus on what truly matters. She is the author of The Incrementalist: A Simple Productivity System to Create Big Results in Small Steps.


Goals are Great. But Systems are Even Better.

January is a popular time to aim for radical changes and major shifts in life. Is your lifestyle, health, relationships, work, business or side project in a sad state? Or have you been on an upward trajectory?

The start of the year is when many of us get a burst of energy to set big, bold and risky goals. Perhaps you have plans to achieve yours by next month, within 90 days, or by the end of this year.

Life though does not always turn out according to plan. The year 2020 was a fierce reminder of this fact. There’s nothing wrong with goals. Specific goals are great when they help you move in the right direction.

But even better is a system to pivot, reset, upgrade, and make consistent progress on the things that really matter. When key goals are scrapped or missed, you can always revisit them when you have a system to get you back on track.

At the start of 2020, I had tentative plans to launch a podcast. As a solo immigration lawyer and a productivity coach, I was conflicted on whether to start one podcast or two. Over time, this project moved to the backburner while COVID-19, civil unrest, school closures, the November Elections, and other changes were at front and center.

During my annual review in December 2020, I reflected on the wins, the successes, the doubts, and the setbacks. Were there goals I had dropped and wanted to pick up again?

One major project I decided to return to was the podcast launch. I had more than enough topics to talk about, on either immigration or productivity. Years of running more than one blog led to a system for idea generation and content creation.

I already had the tools to start a podcast. They included the microphone, headphones, computer, and audio editing software we used to make the last video for my law firm’s YouTube channel.

Still, podcasting was a big leap for me. I thought, “I’m a writer, not a podcaster.” Never mind that you can develop skills through deliberate practice and deep study.  Never mind that I had spoken at various events and conferences on productivity, mindfulness, U.S. immigration and legal ethics issues.

There were podcast hosting choices and other technical mumbo jumbo to work through to start a podcast. By the end of December, the audio recording and sound editing of the first episodes — for two different podcasts — were done. Small, daily actions in short bursts made this possible.

Although I met the goals of launching The Incrementalist (a productivity podcast) and The Legal Immigrant (a U.S. immigration podcast) , it took systems to start them. And it will take systems to keep each show going. There’s a content strategy to release new episodes over the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, I invite you to listen to episode 1 (introduction) in The Incrementalist podcast. Click HERE for the show’s website. Or find it on podcast apps like Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Listen Notes and via RSS feed.

If you like the content, please share it with others, leave a 5-star review, and subscribe so you don’t miss new episodes.

And if you’d like to check out my other podcast, The Legal Immigrant, click HERE for the show’s website.

Your downloads, shares and subscriptions mean a lot! To keep you listening, I will aim to add value through these shows. Podcasts give you a convenient way to get insights and information when you’re on the go or want to learn with audio.

Thank you for your support and audience.

All the best in 2021,

Dyan Williams

Author of The Incrementalist: A Simple Productivity System to Create Big Results in Small Steps