

Main Office:
Dyan Williams Law PLLC
IDS Center
80 S. Eighth Street, Suite 900
Minneapolis, MN 55402


Telephone: 612-225-9900 (for current clients and scheduled consultations only)

If you’re not a client who we currently represent, you may submit an email inquiry for attorney Dyan Williams to respond. Provide a basic description of your problem and objectives and why you think we can help. 

If our expertise and availability match your needs, we aim to respond within one business day. Because we receive a high volume of inquiries daily, we occasionally miss ones that are within our areas of focus. You may follow up with another inquiry if more than two business days have passed and you have not received a response. 

Before you submit an inquiry, please check out the Solutions page on U.S. Immigration or Legal Ethics to see if we help solve problems like yours.

Our business hours are Monday through Friday, 10 am to 5 pm Central Time (CT), excluding U.S. federal holidays. 

Dyan Williams Law PLLC operates on a virtual office platform. In-person meetings with attorney Dyan Williams are by appointment and for existing clients only. Drop-offs and deliveries to the law firm are accepted by the receptionist in Suite 900 of the IDS Center during regular business hours, Monday through Friday.

If you have to meet your lawyer in person to feel like you’re getting real value, we’re probably not a good fit. Communication with clients and others who need our help is mostly by telephone, Skype video, and email.

Case Evaluation (for no fee)

In a complimentary case evaluation by email, we provide general information and determine whether we can help you resolve your problems and challenges.

We take on only certain types of U.S. immigration and visa matters, so check out our U.S. Immigration & Citizenship page before you submit an inquiry. In your inquiry, provide a basic description of your case for us to understand the most relevant facts and issues that need to be addressed by counsel.

(NOTE: We do not open attachments unless they are from a trusted source, such as an existing client, or from a person who has paid the consultation fee and received an initial response to proceed with this step.)

Vague requests or requests for help in areas where we do not focus will get slower responses or no response.

Consultation in U.S. Immigration matters (for a fee)

If you wish to receive specific guidance and an in-depth assessment of your case – in one of our areas of expertise – a consultation is the next step.

We do consultations by telephone or video (Skype):

  • $200 for standard telephone or video consultation
  • $300 for premium telephone or video consultation (includes preliminary legal research and/or document review for more complicated matters)

Consultation in Legal Ethics/Professional Responsibility matters (for a fee). Contact us directly for current rates. 

Consultation Hours

We schedule consultations (up to one hour) during these time blocks:

Telephone/Video – Tuesday through Thursday, 8:00 to 9:00 am and 4:00 to 5:00 pm Central Time (CT).

Prior to confirming the date and time of your scheduled consultation, you will receive a Consultation Form to fill out and return to us with your payment.

IN IMMIGRATION MATTERS, WE REPRESENT CLIENTS FROM ALL ACROSS THE U.S. AND AROUND THE WORLD. (U.S. Immigration is governed by federal laws, regulations and policies.)


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